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What We Do

We are currently running 3 projects in 5 different schools.


Listening ear

We are currently providing weekly listening services for twenty children with low-level mental illness per week. Each session runs for up to one hour and runs throughout the whole 40 weeks of the school year, culminating in 700 hours of work per year. Children are referred to us by the school and we initially listen to them for a period of six weeks. We then liaise with the school to discuss the most proactive way forward for each individual case, which can range from the child having benefitted from the sessions enough to be released from them, the child requiring a further 6 sessions, or the child requiring further intervention from mental health services.


We are also delivering Listening Ear sessions in the local High School. This work is aimed at helping young people with the transition to a new school, enabling them to process their emotions and learn strategies to enable them to thrive in their new setting.

We are currently working in 7 schools, including one high school, and we are looking to build further partnerships. If you feel your school could benefit from Listening Ear sessions, please contact us.



We have created a six-week project that focuses on children expressing themselves and processing their anxieties through four individual creative art streams – music, art, drama and creative writing. The project encourages children to think about their own character and personality, fears and worries and their dreams for the future, in order to develop their self-awareness and celebrate their individuality. This is expressed through a completed piece of art by the end of the 6 weeks. The aim of the course is to provide a prevention against further deterioration in children’s mental health and thus easing the demand on mental health services.

We currently provide 8 hour-long sessions per week in two Primary Schools, with each session hosting up to 5 children. A new set of children are introduced to the project each half term, culminating in approximately 240 children being positively impacted per year.

If you feel your school could benefit from the Creative Arts Project, we'd love to hear from you. Please use the link to get in touch.

community links


              Mental health not only has an impact on the person that is                  suffering, but also on their family and the people around them. This is why we are passionate about building good community links, so that we can support individuals and their families by signposting them to specialist help where it is needed.


We currently volunteer as governors in two local schools, contributing to the school’s approach to promoting good mental wellbeing. This enables us to work with senior leaders to ensure that there is specific support for both the children and staff’s wellbeing throughout the school.




                                                                  We have partnered with Kings Church Little Lever and Bowness Primary School to start a weekly parent’s coffee morning, once the children have been dropped off at school. The aim of the coffee morning is to support parents and address loneliness through providing a safe-space for them to talk and build friendships. 

We have also worked with King's Church to provide a Parent Talk course, aimed at creating a safe space for parents to share the joys and the struggles of parenting and to share tips and tricks that they have picked up whilst parenting.

In addition, King’s Church Little Lever provide a weekly Life Skills Course in partnership with Christians Against Poverty. The course lasts for 8 weeks and provides basic training on budgeting, energy bill advice and maintaining positive wellbeing. Life Skills has three specific focuses – the course itself, the community it provides and individual coaching for anyone who needs individual advice.

If you are interested, please contact


King’s Church also provide food parcels for families in need through their Care And Share project. There is no charge for the parcels and can be delivered on an as-and-when basis.

If you are interested, please contact

Our partners

Click on the links below to find out more about our partners.

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